What is E911?
E911 (Enhanced 911) is a service that automatically displays the telephone number and physical location of the 911 caller on the emergency operator’s screen. This is unlike basic 911 service, where the distressed caller has to tell the operator where he or she is calling from.
Why Do Businesses Need it?
E911 solutions help you to protect your most important resources: your employees, your students and your customers. We connect your users to 911 emergency assistance – from the office, from remote branches, from the road, from any device. We deliver the E911 services and products that you need to meet E911 regulations while keeping costs in check. Why should your enterprise take a proactive approach to 911? 911 calls work differently when dialed from VoIP and Unified Communications phone systems, and you need an E911 solution to make sure your users have timely access to emergency assistance.
Federal Law on E911 Went Into Effect February 2020
See the Information Below to Learn More About E911 in your State
A municipality may require MLTS operators to provide enhanced 911 service. Learn more:
https://codes.findlaw.com/ ak/title-29-municipal-government/ak-st-sect-29-35-134.html
MLTS operators must deliver to the PSAP the phone number and street address of any telephone used to place a 911 call. Details and exemptions are outlined as well.
https://www.lexisnexis.com/ hottopics/ arcode/Default.asp
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MLTS operators shall provide written information to their end-users describing the proper method of dialing 911, when dialing an additional digit prefix is required. MLTS operators that do not give the ANI, the ALI, or both shall disclose this in writing to their end-users and instruct them to provide their telephone number and exact location when calling 911. Learn more
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A private company, corporation or institution may provide private 911 service to its users, provided it has adequate resources, the approval of the Office of State-Wide Emergency Telecommunications and the municipality in which it is located, and a qualified private safety answering point.
Federal Multi-line telephone systems must have a configuration that permits users to directly initiate a call to 911 without dialing any additional digit, code, prefix, or post-fix. Learn more:
https://www.congress.gov/ 115/bills/ hr582/BILLS-115hr582enr.pdf
All PBX systems installed after January 1, 2004 must be able to provide station-level ALI data to the PSAP.
Private residential switch service providers must identify the telephone number, extension number, and the physical location of a 911 caller to the PSAP. Private business switch service providers must provide ANI and ALI data for each 911 call, and must not require the dialing of an additional digit prefix (systems installed after July 1, 2015); the level of detail required for ALI data, exemptions and guidelines to establish a private emergency answering point are outlined as well. Learn more: https://www.ilga.gov/ legislation/ ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=741&ChapterID=11
https://ilga.gov/ commission/jcar/admincode/ 083/08300726sections.html
https://ilga.gov/ commission/jcar/ admincode/083/ 08300727sections.html
Residential private switch telephone service providers located in E911 capable areas must provide ANI and ALI data for each 911 call, and must provide ALI that includes the street address, plus an apartment number or floor, if applicable.
PBX systems installed after January 1, 2005, must be capable of providing station-level ALI data to the PSAP.
Residential MLTS providers must deliver a distinct ANI and ALI for each living unit to the PSAP. Business MLTS providers must deliver ANI and ALI to the PSAP; specific ALI data requirements are outlined. Also includes requirements for hotels/motels, exemptions and guidelines to establish a private emergency answering point. Any public or private entity that installs or operates a multi-line telephone system ensures that it is connected to the PSTN in such a way that 911 can be dialed without requiring any prefixes. Learn more: https://www.maine911.com/ laws_rules/rules.htm
https://www.mainelegislature. org/legis/bills/getPDF.asp?paper=SP0271&item =1&snum=128
MLTS operators must not require the dialing of any additional digits to access 911 as of December 31, 2017. Learn more
All new or substantially renovated MLTS must route emergency calls to the appropriate PSAP and provide an ANI and ALI for every 911 call. The level of detail required for ALI data and exemptions are outlined as well. Learn more: https://www.mass.gov/ eopss/docs/setb/clean-final-regulations-560-cmr-40.pdf
Michigan’s Emergency 911 Service Enabling Act was amended in 2019 to replace rules promulgated by the Michigan Public Service Commission requiring 911 emergency service capacity for multi-line telephone systems with new requirements. The bill specifically exempts certain small business, farms, and houses of worship from the requirement to maintain a multi-line telephone system that automatically provides detailed location data to the 911 dispatcher. Learn more:
https://www.legislature.mi .gov/documents/2019-2020/publicact/pdf/2019-PA-0030.pdf
Operators of MLTS purchased after December 31, 2004 must ensure that their system provides ANI and ALI for each 911 call. Residential MTLS should provide one distinctive ANI and one distinctive ALI per residential unit. Location identification requirements for businesses are outlined. Also includes requirements for hotels/motels, schools, exemptions and guidelines to establish a private emergency answering point.
Service providers must provide callers with access to the appropriate PSAP. Anyone operating a shared tenant service is required to provide the ANI and ALI for each 911 call made from any extension. Exemptions are outlined as well. Learn more
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• Search 19-5-359
New Hampshire
Telephone and VoIP service providers, as well as hotels, motels, hospitals, universities and potentially others, must deliver the 911 call with the ANI to the appropriate PSAP
https://www.gencourt.state .nh.us/rsa/html/VII/106-H/106-H-mrg.htm
https://www.gencourt.state .nh.us/rsa/html/xxxiv/378/ 378-mrg.htm
New York
MLTS operating in public buildings must allow any call to 911 on the system to be directly connected to a public safety answering point (PSAP). Public buildings are defined as buildings that belong to the state, county, town, school district or any other political or civil subdivision of state or local government. Exemptions are outlined. Effective March 19, 2020. Learn more: https://www.nysenate.gov/ legislation/laws/EXC/717-A
Business owners or operators using VoIP service must allow a 911 call on the system to directly access 911 without an additional code, digit, prefix, postfix, or trunk-access code, and must provide a notification to a central location when someone on their network dials 911. Details and exemptions are outlined as well. Effective January 1, 2017.
Shared residential MLTS operators must deliver 911 calls to the PSAP with one distinctive ANI and ALI for each living unit. Business MLTS operators must deliver the 911 call with an ANI and ALI detailed to the building and floor location of the caller, or must establish a private emergency answering point. Details, notification requirements and exemptions are outlined as well.
MLTS operators who serve residential users and facilities must provide the same level of 911 service as received by other residential users in the same regional plan area, including ANI. Business owners or operators using VoIP service must allow a 911 call on the system to directly access 911 without an additional code, digit, prefix, postfix, or trunk-access code, and must provide a notification to a central location when someone on their network dials 911. Details and exemptions are outlined as well. Learn more:
https://www.statutes.legis .state.tx.us/Docs/HS/ htm/HS.771.htm
https://www.statutes.legis. state.tx.us/Docs/HS/htm/ HS.771A.htm
https://texreg.sos.state.tx.us/ public/ readtac$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p _rloc=&p_tloc=&p_ ploc=&pg=1&p_tac= &ti=1&pt=12&ch=251&rl=16
• Texas Administrative Code Title 1, Part 12, Chapter 251Tarrant County, Texas, requires that MLTS providers offering residential or commercial service to non-affiliated businesses must provide the level of 911 service as required under the appropriate regional plan. Businesses must provide the PSAP with ANI and ALI data for each 911 call. Details, including location identification requirements for businesses and exemptions, are outlined as well. Learn more:
https://www.tc911.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/ Excerpt-from-Texas-Health-and-Safety-Code-772-218.pdf
Requires certain multi-line telephone systems to provide certain information to a public safety answering point; requires a multi-line telephone system to be capable of accessing 911 services directly. Learn more:
https://le.utah.gov/~2017/ bills/sbillenr/SB0014.pdf
Any enterprise communications system shall provide to those end users the same level of 911 service that other end users receive and shall provide ANI signaling, station identification data, including dispatchable location, and updates to Enhanced 911 databases under rules adopted by the Board. Exemptions are outlined.
https://legislature.vermont. gov/statutes/section/ 30/087/07057
https://e911.vermont.gov/ sites/e911/files/pdf/E911-ECSRule_FINAL_May2019.pdf
MLTS providers must ensure that an emergency call placed from any telephone is delivered to the PSAP with ANI and ALI, or an alternative method of providing call location information. Exemptions are outlined as well.
https://law.lis.virginia.gov/ vacode/56-484.19
https://law.lis.virginia.gov/ vacode/title56/ chapter15/section56-484.20/
https://law.lis.virginia.gov/ vacode/title56/ chapter15/ section56-484.21/
https://law.lis.virginia.gov/ vacode/title56/ chapter15/ section56-484.22/
https://law.lis.virginia.gov/ vacode/title56/ chapter15/section56-484.23/
https://law.lis.virginia.gov/ acode/title56/ chapter15/section56-484.25/
Residential service providers must ensure that an emergency call placed from any caller is delivered to the PSAP along with a unique ALI for their unit. Business service providers must ensure that an emergency call placed from any caller is delivered to the PSAP along with a unique ALI for their telephone. Exemptions are outlined as well. Learn more:
https://apps.leg.wa.gov/ RCW/default.aspx?cite=80.36.555
https://apps.leg.wa.gov/ RCW/default.aspx?cite=80.36.560
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